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Posts posted by life_sux_666

  1. hi! i think u shud go up to her, talk for a bit, and then ask her out. goin to a movie is a gd idea! i am shy too and i no its not easy....

    about the telephone, if she is shy, dont do it by telephone! bleive me! goooood luck!! xxx

  2. Hi evry1! I rlly need ur help. My name is andrea, i am 13 yrs old and im still in 7th grd (yr 8 in england). Theres this boi who i went out wiv 3 times already at the beginin of the yr, he dumped me all 3 times but he sed that he was sorry and that he had gd reasons! He is a nice person he just doesnt no how to treat gals sometimes!!! well, the prob is that i fell 4 him agen! Im obsessed wiv him now...but he is havin a "physical thing" wiv another girl (even though they dun do anythin at all) and i duno wot to do... i only hv 2 more weeks of school til the suma hols, shud i tel him how i feel or shud i keep it to myself!???? pls help me!!! i want him to like me!!

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