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Posts posted by Unwanted86

  1. Actually, I'm 16 (about to be 17 in a few more weeks) and I said that I've been feeling this way since I was 15. I noticed people saying "you're just 15" etc. and thought I would clear that part up but thanks for the advice and everything though.

  2. Hm, I've been feeling like I'm not capable of being loved and that I'm unwanted and that no girl in her right mind will ever like me. These feelings came about a year ago,when I was 15 and hasn't stopped. Over time my personality, my appearance etc. has changed because of my low self esteem and confidence. I've become very depressed,suicidal and not very fun to be around and I've started dressing in all black. My ex-girlfriend seems to be very concerned at times about me and asks questions like "What has happened to you ?" etc. and I can never seem to answer those questions because I'm not sure why. I think at times she thinks that it's because of her since I started feeling this way shortly after she broke up with me.


    I rant and bitch about how ugly that I am, how odd I am and other stuff of that nature and if I'm saying this to family or some girl, they always try to assure me that it's not true. I've been told by girls that I was "cute" and a few has even told me that they liked me. Although, I always brush it off by telling myself something like "they're just trying to be nice" or something. I tell myself "I can't get a girlfriend" and I actually believe it when it's probably not true. This is getting long so I'm going to speed it up and get to the point ... I've been told that I was depressed (which that is pretty clear,eh?) and I've been told that I was just devastated because my my first love,which was my first and only girlfriend ever, broke up with me and that I needed to get over it. I don't know what's really making me feel this way.


    This post probably doesn't have much to do with "Love" except maybe not "lving" myself or something.

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