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Posts posted by glimmerofhope

  1. DAY 9


    I cannot understand how it is that she seems to have erased me from her life after all that we shared. I do not have that ability, to completely forget someone that means (or meant) that much to me. I know there's a theory that they are thinking of us, and we just don't know it because we are in NC. But it sure doesn't feel that way....

  2. Day 6


    I think it's safe to say I'm in some kind of bitter phase. I don't like it. I'm not by nature an angry person, and this is all so very foreign to me. It just drives me nuts thinking that she's just moving on with her life as if nothing every happened while I struggle mightily to just get through each day. I sincerely want her to be happy in the long run, no matter what happens, but it would have been nice to see a little remorse in the interim...

  3. Day 5


    I echo your sentiments, L4W. After all that time together, I thought I knew this other person. Now, I am beginning to have my doubts. I know not all ex-girlfriends will contact you just to say hi on Thanksgiving, but I thought this one was the type that would. I try to hate her, too, by the way. It fails every time, with me ending up feeling guilty for thinking ill of her.

  4. Day 13


    If you exclude two e-mails that were made for the sole purpose of switching bills (no small talk at all), it's actually day 23. But NC is NC, right?


    Anyhow, I am disturbed by the swings in my emotions. One minute I'm fine, the next, a mess. Her birthday is this week. I have made the decision to do nothing. I will let the day come and go like any other. That's really tough for me...I still love this woman, and it's her birthday, for heaven's sake!


    I have also had to cut off all contact with her family. They wanted to stay in touch, but I just cannot do it. No contact it is, and no contact it shall remain.

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