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Posts posted by sbux_addict

  1. Oh gosh...I can't believe it's been that long. I'm on a relapse - I was doing fine, and today I thought about him again (not that there's anyday I didn't), and I just feel like crap. I can't fricken get him out of my head. I always wonder what he's up to, if he's dating anybody. Even though I told him that we could email each other, he hasn't...sh*t.


    But then again I'm thinking, if he's really thinking about me, and wants me back, then, he could just email me. When we broke up he said he'll delete my number so he won't be tempted to call. That hurt. I deleted his number too, but it's not like I don't memorize it. This really sucks. I just want to get over him!

  2. On this thread. I'm officially on Day 20 of NC. Didn't hear from him even on Thanksgiving. I initiated NC, because I just couldn't be friends with him (which is what he wanted), and he said, "Ok, I'll delete your number from my cell." which kind of hurt, kind of didn't because I know he's hurting from this too. He broke up with me because of circumstances (he's 30 years older! YEAP! 30!), and he said he can't be with me. Anyway, I told him that I'd call him when I'm ready, and we could still email each other. He wanted to still be able to email me, just in case there important emails that he could forward to me (we were going to set-up a business together). I agreed, but he hasn't emailed me. I check my email 10 times a day...and I know I will never call him ever. I still miss him, but, I think I'm at a point where I just want to be able to move on.

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