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Posts posted by Crows

  1. Day 23.


    I can't believe the days and how fast they are going now! i feel great about that whole situation! My attention continues to be turned to this new girl.


    She cannot get over this guy that's been flakey to her forever. I told her I Have feelings for her and continue to do so.


    She sends me signals that she is attracted to me possibly.


    Last night she came over to watch a movie, we drank beer and watched american gangster. She cuddled close to me. I'm not being too aggressive with her becuase A- I dont know how she feels about me and B- I don't want to scare her if she has no feelings.


    She put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.. as well when she cuddles close to me her bare legs were basically on me, so I rested my hand there and kinda played with her socks and her leg (UGH PATHETIC I KNOW) BUT everyone on here knows just as well as I that it's an art form , to try and get in there for the first time. She didn't move for about 45 minutes... so she wasn't uncomfertable with it.. I hope..........

  2. Day 17. REcord day for me.


    Also I went out with the girl again... my god women confuse me.,... she talks about this other guy shes hanging out and how frustrating he is.. then she asks for my opinion on what he's thinking. She seems not interested in me sometimes, then we go outside, and shes puting her arm around my arm, puting her hand on my leg... ughhhhhhhhhhhh


    i dont know what to do

  3. This sucks


    My ex wants me back....and then she doesnt. Its like up and down all the time.

    Think i need proper NC for myself.... but its like she admitted that she doesnt know where we are and that shes confused.


    I was doing well before she starting messing with me...that the worst thing.


    Alright... THis just happened to me two weeks ago. And I gor BUUURNED.


    She was coming on to me, wanting to get back, then she was with this new guy all of the suden and disappeared.


    My advice? CUt her off, Don't initiate anything, and if she initiates anything... be short, and concise. She's probably confused. Let her be, and let your heart come back down to earth.. protect it.


    Trust me. I deleted her, cut her off from everything for 14 days now and I feel the best ive felt in 6 months.

  4. Day 10 i believe...


    doing fine with the ex situation.. but the girl im interested in and was flirting with alot last night and I think she may have itnerest in me.. well the bum she went on 3 dates with doesn't contact her much, and he jus ttexted her.. ugh.. she's gonna get reeled back in. That guy seems like such a bum.

  5. Day 10.


    My last record was 16 days broken by her. This time I don't think it will be broken. I can concievably see this going for months maybe even ever.


    I feel good. I went out lat night with my good buddy, we drank some beer and i fell asleep on the bus and misse dmy stop by about half an hour and I ended up in the suburbs! haha! The bus driver dorve me all the wya home though! What a guy!

  6. Day 8-


    I had a few moments of sadness today. The weather here in Vancouver turned absolutely beautiful. 15 degrees celcius and bright sun.. this was the weather we had our first dates on. You can sense spring around the corner and it just has that energy in it.. .. I'm lonely.


    As for the situation. She is in another relationship and at least she is showing she is this time instead of me being an ass for months not knowing she had a bf.


    THis may be the best thing to happen for both of us. THis will really be our time to heal. We never really got it.


    She has tried to mask and forget me, but it kind of makes me feel good that she's struggling to find ways to forget about me.


    She won't forget about me.

  7. Day 7:


    Feeling ok, Not bad. I think about it but it's not unbearbly painfull like it was before when I found out she had a bf. I have a face to this guy and man is he ugly wow!


    I'm guessing she's blocking me again. I have her blocked as well. We have not talked since last thursday when she cancelled valentines dinner plans.


    I have to stick to this and be the better person. I will not say or do anything.

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