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Posts posted by WalkOn

  1. Well I just stumbled onto this forum because I'm totally depressed and have no idea what else to do. I've read a lot of the comments on here, but I'm actually feeling worse instead of better. But maybe someone can offer me some advice.


    Basically I've been with this person for almost 4 years (I'm in my mid-twenties, we met in college, first relationship). Since then, we've broken up a few times, but never for very long, and have done our fair share of long distance. This past year, we were living in the same place, and it was really great. No problems, saw each other every weekend, just an incredible time. Two months ago, he moved 1,000 miles away to go to law school, and we agreed very enthusiastically to try long distance. It was hard for me to see him with all these new friends, in a huge city, while I was stuck here surrounded by all the things that remind me of him. I flipped out a few times online, on the phone, etc. When I visited two weeks ago, everything was fine. He was so happy to see me, and he never mentioned any problems.


    So...two weeks later, he wants out. No, he has not met someone else, I know that for sure. He's jealous that I'm most likely going to go to a better law school, in another place. And it's true that it's very unlikely I'll end up in the same city as him, but it would only be two years that we'd be long distance. I just don't understand how he made this decision so fast to give up. He doesn't want a commitment (whatever that means), he doesn't want me to move there just for him, and he doesn't want to do one more day of long-distance. I'm just sitting here going, what happened?!


    Ahh, I feel like I'm dying here. After fighting about this for two weeks straight online and on the phone, he said we should stop talking for two weeks. Of course I only agreed after kicking and screaming about it, because I'm so used to talking to the guy everyday. In fact, it's what I look forward to all day long. So now, day 1 of NC, I'm not sure how I'll make it. I'll be in his city for business at the end of the month, obviously I had planned to stay with him, but now he doesn't even want to see me. We agreed, I guess, to meet for dinner. Our status now is...still together, but not talking.


    Any thoughts on this? I mean, I can't function at work or anywhere. I really can't. I can't picture my future without him. And I especially can't picture him with someone else. How do people deal with this???

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