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Posts posted by Zeitgeist

  1. Okay, let's calm down a bit here. I'm not trying to introduce any pessimism into the discussion. I'm trying to point out there is often someone else involved whose heart also be getting broken when two people get "back together". I myself as well as many others I'm sure, have been on the other side where we fell for someone who then developed doubts and left for an ex. Great for them. Sucks for the person who got left. All I'm pointing out is that a "happy ending" all depends on whose shoes you're in and that there is often a third person involved who is also a dumpee.

  2. It's occurred to me that we often discuss "getting back together" stories as if this is the way it's meant to be. I suppose this might be obvious, but the stories here get a bit skewed b/c most people seem to be here because they were dumped. So naturally, we gravitate towards stories about getting back together. For every one of these stories however, there are probably just as many stories of people who met the love of their life after they had dumped someone else. We talk about rebounds as if they're not supposed to be together. But I suppose that all depends on the point of view, eh?

  3. I'm confused. First you said you found this e-mail, but then the e-mail was signed by you. She unfriended you, and you wrote this response? It doesn't sound like you don't care. It sounds like you're trying not to care. But your words clearly indicate you're upset with her. Just an observation because I think if you're angry, you should admit to it and feel it rather than deny that's how you're feeling.

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