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Posts posted by butterflyx0

  1. I really agree with the last post. My ex and I have kept NC just out of pure pride . We both are stubborn. We are so much alike in these ways, we don't know what to think of the other person when they are shutting us out.


    I thought this too about my ex. I thought I was SURE we weren't going to talk for at least six months. I asked him for NC and told him I'd call when I was ready. And surprisingly...I didn't break. Never called, texted, or anything for almost two months. And he's the type of person that sticks to his word- I mean, when we were deciding to get back together he was like, "Make this decision and we are sticking by it this time." And when I wanted him back, he said no and started dating someone else. So I figured if I wasn't breaking, he DEFINITELY wouldn't.


    Well, yesterday morning, I was crying my eyes out, almost breaking down and calling him to meet me to talk. I was praying to God for some sort of sign, if I need to just let this go and move on, or keep holding on that he'll change, or even just to sign to know that I would feel better. In my head, it was almost like I was calling out to him or something. Instead, I went home and took a nap. And guess what....


    He called me two hours later, out of the blue, while I was sleeping. When I looked at my phone, I almost passed out. I waited about six hours before I decided to do anything. He called back, and so I waited and then texted him, kept it short and simple. He had called to tell me he was on my campus and thought we might bump into each other, and then said he just called to say hi. I was like...what?? I ended that texting quick...I know he has a gf and I'm not getting involved in that.


    But I don't know what to make of it. Weird.

  2. ok well...I have been doing NC for about a month now, but I'm having the urges to call him or contact him for the first time so I am signing up for this challenge...is that OK?? I mean, I kinda broke it the other day by looking at his facebook so after my relapse, I need to go back to my strict ways. This way now I have a set goal for myself!

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