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Posts posted by Rushden

  1. thx guys, yeah i pretty much got to that conclusion myself after some thinking. f*ck it, there's not much i can do now. she knows im interested in her so its up to her. the ball's in her court now .

  2. Ok here is my situation.


    I met this girl at a nightclub about 3 months ago and since then we have gotten pretty close. from the looks of things im pretty sure she is interested in me, that is im getting all the signs. for instance when we see each other she come over grabs me by my face with her hands and hugs me in a sensual way, kisses me on the cheek, smiles at me whenever i look at her, i catch glimpses of her looking at me while im dancing. she even came up to me and told me that she really likes the way i dance.


    Anyway here is the problem. she has a boyfriend who she's been dating longer then i have known her (more than 3months). haven't asked her how long she's been with him cos i don't feel its my business. anyway the past few weeks that i have seen her at the nightclub were all without her boyfriend so i asked her how come he is not with her (that way i can know if they broke up or something) but she told me he has final exams at school so he is staying in studing.


    anyhow, i finally get the nevre to ask her for her phone number. she willingly gives it to me but tells me not to get the wrong idea because she is still with her boyfriend.


    So where do i go from here? i'm pretty confused now. i don't know if she genuinely likes me or if she is just leading me on. any advice?

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