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Posts posted by lonelyuk

  1. Melanie, I understand why you built up your wall but I had no choice in being made redundant. You were protecting yourself at a time when I needed you the most.


    I had to take the job 250 miles away but I was willing to see you every weekend until work was available closer to home. It was so difficult to move away and you did nothing to help that, you said you would call and you didn't, you said you would text and you didn't.


    I don't understand how you could just close up like that, it seems to me that you never loved me in the first place.


    I have tried to reassure you over the last few weeks that I still love you but you just say you don't know how you feel anymore and you have your own stresses to deal with.


    If we can't deal with our stresses as a team then we were never meant to be. I need someone who will be there for me when the going gets tough and just doesn't bail out. I was always there for you when you needed me and it hurts that I can't be there for you again.


    Anyway, I hope you realise what a massive mistake you have made and don't make the same mistake in the future. Men aren't all the same.

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