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Posts posted by benirwin1607306451

  1. Hi there, thanks for replying. I have tried to talk to her but she is not the most descriptive or emotional person so is not telling me anything. All she keeps saying is she want to be on her own.

    At xmas she got promoted and was given a huge 50% pay rise and its since then she had acted a little strange, but never stopped loving me.

  2. Hi all, i know i have left some messages on other posts here but now I need some help.

    My fiancee of nearly 5 years told me last week that she didnt love me anymore, and didnt want to be with me. I cant figure out why, only the week before she was always telling me how much she loved me and how looking forward to us getting our first home, getting married and having children.

    She has ripped my heart to shreds, i cant eat, i cant sleep, i dont know what to do. The only thing i can do is try and get on with life and not to let her see or hear about me being upset.

    Some days i am ok, but others like late yesterday i was at home on my own and it hit me i was on my own. Someone please give some advice on what to do now.

  3. Hi girl_star, i understand how you feel. Just last week my girlfirend of 5 years left me and like you she was always telling me how much she loved me and how she was looking forward to us buying our first house and having kids. She broke my world and shattered my dreams.


    I dont really know what advise to give, i only looked at this site a couple of days ago. I am the soft, stupid romantic type and most nights i have cryed myself to sleep. People say that love is blind, and it seems that you, me and gilgamesh have been poked in the eye. I know your are hurting now but i tell myself that i will get over her.


    The one piece of advice i can give is dont let him see you miserable, force yourself to smile. Surround your self with friends and take any invitations that they offer. Lean on your friends for support, after all thats what they are there for.


    If you want to talk, post a message or PM me or what ever you do to talk to people here.

  4. Hi there, i know how you feel. I was with my girlfirend for 5 years and last week she comes home from work and says she doesnt love me anymore and doesnt want to be with me.

    What I find difficult to understand is that we were so happy, we both earn good money and were going to be moving out of rented accommodation and into our own home.

    We have only been apart for 1 week but it feels like an eternity and I dont know what to do. If anyone out there has some good advice I would love to hear it.


    Anyway best of luck to you in the future, and i hope the pain we share goes away.

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