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Posts posted by Loris

  1. 5 days today. My previous best was 3 days so this isn't bad for me. She came in to see me at work yesterday after she finished a meeting. Didn't last long and then she text me last night saying she bumped into one of her ex ex's in the supermarket! I hope, by looking at her ex ex she realised what a catch I was

  2. 19days of no contact, 3weeks 3days since split - am progressing quite nicely, feel alot better, have been keeping busy with friends etc, have been going to gym and having massages etc.


    His loss - I am an amazing person I am the most caring person he would have ever have met probably the best looking that would go out with him with a great body and fab sense of humour, most importantly alot of love to give out.


    My ideal woman!

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