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Posts posted by xXIceIceBabyXx

  1. Well last night me and my bf a had the commitment talk and im so impressed but worried though even though i know he loves me. I asked him whether he would move in with me when i get back from over seas (im going for 1yr but im going to try to come back in 6months).


    Well he said he would move anyday for me so im happy he said that and this would be the most serious relationship he has had and the longest as well for him but im proud he is trying to get over being a commitment phobe. I love him very much but just worried he will meet another girl


    He said he wouldnt but im trying to trust him and believe him! I just dont know what to do?




  2. Hey,

    I have almost been with my bf for 4months now and i love him very much but i dont know what to do because when ever i stat to have a serious talk with him i get upset trying to and im not sure how come ( i have been hurt in the past ).


    I asked him yesterday whether he was scared or afraid of showing me or telling me how he felt....and he said "bottom line yes." and im worried i will never be able to get him to open up, what should i do can anyone help me'/


    But this wouldnt be the biggest problem for us to over come. In august i am moving to sweden for one yr to study and i know he said he would be faithful but im worried im going to lose him so now im thinking if i go ill lose the best thing thats ever happened to me

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