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Posts posted by ActionJackson

  1. Yeah my parents were negative when I was a kid and still are but they losened up a bit. They kept me at home on the weekends instead of out socializing witl other kids in my younger years. They were so stirct to the point that everything I said or did was enough to be punished for. I just basically withdrew from the world and had no friends in elementry and jr. high. Finally got smart in high school and got in sports and its helped with the depression but not too much. I don't have suicideal thoughts anymore but depression still remains and hurts so. Pretty much any failure I go thought just stabs at my heart. I tried asking a girl out recentally but I was way too shy to actually complete it. I sent her box of chocolates on Valentines day which was probably a mistake and when I didnt see her with them and heard she like someone else my confidence hope and everything droped to zero. So in turn i havent even bothered really getting into another girl for the fear of that pain. Maybe thats what happens to other people, I don't know.


    Sorry it its poorly written and hope this helps with you study thing there Altruist

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