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Posts posted by Titania8151607306446

  1. I do plan to sue. I still haven't talked to a lawer yet though. There is more bad news. The people at our old job are thinking about sueing my husband for a refund on a course he never finished teaching. The only reason they are doing this is at the urging of the crazy ex boss. We know them all really well and know they would not do it if he wasn't pushing them to. We have no problem giving them partial refunds. But my husband did put alot of time into it and doesn't feel they should get ALL they're money back. They are willing to wait for the money, but every now and then we get a phone call from someone who has just talked to the boss and they get impatient. I have tryed to lower as many expenses as I could. No newspaper, no cable, no long distance, but our rent is so high. Thats the biggest problem. We are locked into a year long lease. The landlord is coming for the rest of the rent today and we only have 200.00. He is a very nice a patient man, but can only wait so long for the rest. I don't know what else to do. I am so worried. If we are evicted where will we go? Our income has dropped by at least 75%. My husband has a line on another job,but it would take him away for 6 months at a time. The money is really good though. Arrrrrggggg. It just seems like one thing after another!!!

  2. My husband and I moved to a new city for a promising new job. It paid more for both of us and meant a promotion for my husband. We both work for the same company. The new job started out great. But our new boss proved to be absolutly insane. There we're rumors in the industry but we choose to make up our own minds. Long story short... my husband couldn't put up with it any more(long story), and quit. The boss fired me to get back at my husband.That however is not my problem.It's this. He is already at another job but it doesn't pay nearly enough. I am not working. We are falling behind on bills. Fighting all the time. We can't make our car paymeants anymore and are in danger of loosing it. We have no money to pay rent and may be evicted. We still had bills from the old house we were paying off. I don't know what to do. I can go to work with my husband too,but it's not worth it, as I will just be working to pay for the babysitter. I'm so stressed. I just don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice I sure could use it.

  3. Hi, I hope by now you have spoken with your mother. If you feel you can't talk to your mom. Is there an aunt or someone else in you life you could turn to? My mother got pregnant with me when she was only 16. It was very hard for her and she wasn't around her parents. She had no one to turn to. Obviously she decided to keep me. My mother and father decided to stay together and raise me. They didn't get married right away. Instead they married later(15 years later). When they knew they really did love each other. It was hard. Really hard she says. But shes glad she did what she did. That was the right thing for her to to. I suggest making up your own mind. Do what's right for you in your situation. I just wanted to tell you that it does work out sometimes. My parents are still together. My mom and I are very close, because the age gap is less. we can relate to eachother better I think. I hope this makes you feel a little better. Colleen

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