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Posts posted by phist1607306445

  1. thanks hahahah she was switched out of my class today well that sux but shes at lunch so i could try it there but i dunno it just seems odd anyway theres another girl in my math class whos really pretty but havent made eye contact with her so ill give it a shot with both thanks

  2. alright well in my math class theres this really pretty girl who i want to get to know. and the 3rd day of school we made eye contact. now it wasnt like eye contact with smiling or anything it was just eye contact. now its happened more and more and the length is longer at times and short at other times. my question is do i have a chance? should i even bother? are tthere thingsi should look for? i mean im the new guy in school since i just moved from nyc and started school halfway through the year. so i really dont know i mean the girls down in the south are different please help

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