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Posts posted by Cletharin

  1. It's Day 7.


    I've done everything I could possibly do to NOT think about him today. It worked for a few hours, but then I was playing DDR (haven't done that in a couple years), and falling down a lot, and I remembered a time way back when we used to play together.

    That hit me pretty hard. I'd felt decent all day.. But when I thought about that, I just turned off the game and sat down staring into nothingness for at least an hour...


    Is it supposed to hurt like this?


    But I realized something today... I actually think he's going to come back to me. But I don't.. That might make no sense at all.. But I really believe he's coming back even though I don't. I don't know how to explain it, but maybe someone knows where I'm coming from?


    Maybe I'm just being childish, but I can't seem to get over this feeling.

  2. I'll take this challege..


    It's Day 6.


    I think I still might be in shock. Sometimes I can't even tell a dream from reality. I think about him every day, even when I try not to, everything reminds me of him. I've even tried to change up things in my bedroom, but that doesn't change anything. It was his once, too. But I haven't talked to him for six days. This might sound corny.. But my heart is in pain, yet I still love him. I'm not even angry at him for leaving me for her... Just so utterly disappointed..


    Does talking to his relatives count? His mother was pretty much mine, too. I still talk to her at times.. Right now I'm feeling lonely. But I've been feeling that way since it ended. I read some old letters he'd written me, but that just made me feel worse.. So I'll try not to do that anymore. I've been extremely tempted to write him... But I've held myself back.


    So far, things aren't looking too good for me.



    BrokenBear For some reason day four was also the hardest for me. I wonder why that might be..

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