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Posts posted by Mrs.Murder

  1. Hmmmm i never wrote a list but I'll give it a go (Warning: I'm pretty picky!)


    1. He is honest and I can always trust him. He also trusts me.

    2. He is straightforward with me, not passive aggressive.

    3. I feel safe when I'm with him, I know he will protect me from harm, and would never harm me in any way.

    4. He is well educated and very smart... can hold interesting conversations

    5. He is ambitious and goal orientated...wants to do something great with his life.

    6. He can be silly and make me laugh

    7. He likes to live a healthy lifestyle... works out, cooks healthy meals with me

    8. He must be very open-minded!

    9. Makes good financial decisions... knows how to save money, invest money ect.

    10. He has to be at least somewhat romantic.. buys me flowers or writes cute love notes

    11. Likes to experience new things with me, and travel to new places.

    12. Is confident in himself, but not cocky.

    13. He is family orientated.... I can get along with his family, and he makes an effort to get along with mine.

    14. He is not controlling... he respects that I have my own life and I need space sometimes.

    15. He has a passion for something... anything.

    16. He does not smoke... he can drink but not heavily.

    17. He isn't a slob.

    18. He wants to have children and get married one day.

    19. He inspires me to be a better person.. and supports my journey of self improvent.

    20. He loves me.



    BONUS: He is tall, with brown hair and blue eyes.

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