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Posts posted by bauharnais1607306440

  1. I will love to help you but unfortunately I can't. It's going to sound very odd to you, but in fact you may be able to help me in return. You see I am French and I was married to this beautiful woman. I live in California now. We were together for 11 years and we were married 3 years. I thought we had a great relationship, we wanted the same things out of live, we were very communicative, we never fought ...... what seems the perfect relationship. One day out of the blue, she tells me that she felt in love with her boss who happened to be much older (he is 54 and she is 38). Then she starts telling me that she loves me but she is not in love with me, and she has never been. She then left and married this other guy in less than 10 months and she doesn't speak to me anymore. I still love her very much and wonder if one day she will come back to me. I know it's sound crazy but when you are in love...... Where you can help me , it's by telling me how many years went by between the moment she left her first husband and the moment she returned to him, what was the kind of feelings she had back then when she left him (hate, promise herself to never speak to him anymore ....), did they have children together, did they stay in contact somehow, how was your own relationship going ...... I know this is probably very painful for you but your problem may help me in a way or another. I feel very bad to ask you all these questions but I am looking for the answers to my questions for aone year now and nobody so far has been able to help me. Sorry for my english too! I wish you the best and sincerely hope that you will find the answer to your own question. Thank you for helping me!

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