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Posts posted by james_20021607306437

  1. Hi, I really need some help...

    Please bear with me it's a long story!


    I have been going out with this girl for about 3 weeks. I have always been very friendly with her having known her for several years. She broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago, a 3 year relationship which ended because he wanted to see other girls, this was her first boyfriend.


    She has told me before that she still loves her EX (as in terms of first love). It's very strange because some days she is perfectly fine and she really doesn't think about her EX at all, she is usually totally focused on me. However, just recently she has been ignoring me quite a lot, The whole relationship feels like a rollercoaster ride. She has told me she loves me and all that and that she has become very attached to me. But it just hurts to see her ignoring me. She keeps on telling me she wants this to all work out and if she could she would stop having these feelings for her EX. She realises that she must be hurting me a lot. I really want this to work out too. The thing that makes this more difficult is that she still sees her EX on a daily basis at school. so i guess she is constantly reminded.. She says that she is at the end of getting over her EX


    Please, if anybody can help me on how to react in this situation i'd be grateful, what should i do to help her??




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