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Posts posted by lost1607306437

  1. I am in a situation like yours right now too....but i have only been hanging out with her for like 4 months now...and shes my best friends sister...but me and her have become really good friends in that short period of time and hang out all the time. im not sure if i should tell her how i feel or just keep trying to build on the friendship we have...im very confused. i keep getting mixed signals from her like one day she will act like she likes me and the next day she will show no emotion toward me at all. Why do women do this? Im deeply in love with her and she is all i can think about when im with her and when im away from her. I dont know what i should do either....its a very stressful situation to be in.

  2. Well i need some pointers on wether or not I should ask my friend out. I have known her for about 4 years now but we werent actually friends til the last couple of months...ive had a crush on her since ive known her. The thing that puts this situation on a very awkward level is she is my best friends sister and shes 4 years older than me im 20 shes 24 (but the age isnt the big thing). Well heres a list of things to consider:

    -We went to six flags recently and she rode most of the rides with me instead of the other 2 friends we went with

    -We have talked about some things involving us being in a relationship but mostly when drunk or in a joking fashion.

    -It is hard to find time alone with her to ask her out since she has 3 other people that live with her and she doesnt have a vehicle and works a lot.

    -She flirts with a lot of other people and not just me so im not sure if i should take the things she says seriously or if she is just playing with me like the others.

    -She hasnt gone out with any guys since we became friends and i havent gone out with any women since we became friends.


    Well there is other things i could write here but ill see if anyone replies before i go into more detail. This has been eating me up for over a month now on wether or not to risk ruining our friendship on a crush or if there might actually be something there on her side too.


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