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Posts posted by paintedfish

  1. I've been trying to read Atlas Shrugged for around a year now. I just can't get in to it...


    Starting 1984 within the next day or so... And as always about once a day or so I still read snippets of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

  2. I love ee cummings. And yeah, he never really uses capitalization in his poems or his name.


    Want to be confused forever? Read "anyone lived in a pretty how town."



    My favorite poems of his are " i carry your heart with me" and "1(a... (a leaf falls on loneliness)." He's amazing. One of my favorites.

  3. There is nothing I would love more in this world than to have money to be able to do photography. Unfortunately, my phone will have to do for now.



    Lovely, lovely stuff. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Oh lord, I take so many pictures with my cell phone....



    image removed





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    image removed





    These are mostly from my school. Hooray!

  5. Flies crawling through your hair

    Limbs disappearing into the air

    Following all your paranoid

    Catechisms, slipping through the void.


    Body's humming with things gone

    The figurative dropping of the bombs

    Strained eyes searching through the haze

    Hiding light and darker days.


    Lying, covered in the corner

    Why didn't anyone warn her?

    The ground is smoldering, scenery is maimed

    Destruction will never want to change.


    And all your skin's stretched static and tight,

    The little one's screaming, trapped inside.








    My first attempt at rhyming.

  6. That's usually what I have to say about my stuff. It just pops into my head, and only after I read it do I decide if it makes any sense or not.


    I have never been able to rhyme without getting cheesy or contrived. You escaped both! Definitely impressive.

  7. "Because we travel on, unravel from

    The things we fear, what we've become"


    "We learn from what we've learned before

    No need to question anymore"


    Love it. Love the cadence it has, love the truth in it, the finality to the end. Famazing.

  8. Very true. People are more comfortable posting about their boyfriend's ED in the bedroom than their poetry. Very strange. I figure there isn't much harm in just putting it out there. No one knows me here anyway, and poetry is art, and meant to be shared (usually). Thanks : D

  9. But it made me feel better to write.




    Your playground is melting

    Fine sand and coarse edges

    A fire in your temples

    And grass under your clouds.


    Your motions are playing on pause

    The color sliding down your spine

    A needle chasing your threads

    The bodies are piling up.


    There's a flag through your heart now

    Muscles gasping around mutilated scenes.

    Mark another one for the ground

    Claim another for the ashes.


    The body count is rising

    So pull your head out of the pool

    Crack the ribs and find your place

    Its just another stepping stone.

    • Like 1
  10. Thank you for validating my drivel!


    Haha, but seriously, it does mean a lot. I also think it's cool that you use words like "enjambment."

  11. Please rake your nails

    Along the fine hairs of my

    Glazed-over, worn out,

    Freehand symphony.


    Please shine your light

    On the majesty

    Of my egg dropped

    Into the tangled webs

    Of borderlines and

    Freeway nerve fights.


    Come back, there's hollow space

    Yet to be carved away.

    Come back, your hollowed-out space

    Isn't yet carved away.


    Please let your words

    Split the muscles and

    Take the space of things

    That are much bigger in my head.

    • Like 1
  12. I scratched this down while waiting to go into a meeting, sitting in my car....





    no, no, no, no, no.

    take this bull by its horns

    and lead it to greener pastures.






    take this bull by its horns

    and feed its breath to the worms.


    no. wait.

    see that path there?

    follow it to its lowest point

    set its stage for the following:

    your reality is about to detach.

    hold on, your soul will fragment

    from the origins

    from the origins

    just fragments

    don’t stir, don’t aggravate

    hold on for greener pastures

    your reality is for the worms.

  13. I feel the static begin

    My mind is electrified

    and then....



    My tongue cuts loose.


    And I am dancing the unknown

    walking that walk, knowing the talk


    I toy with poisons

    Eat my fire




    but Im skilled with a noose.

  14. The way things ought to look

    Dilapidated, dim

    The wind and sounds of

    Rushing cars grate like a

    Bow accross electric

    Guitar strings, distorted.


    I am watching the smoke

    Rise like a soul burning

    Held in my hand like a

    fiery reminder

    Of how you left my life

    Made of smoke, and leaving

    Ashes in your wake.


    Each ribbon wrapping my

    Leg has your name on it.

    They are because of you;

    They will always be mine.

    The dull burning red, like

    Dying cigarettes is

    All I will ever have.

  15. Today I stand thinking,

    Thoughts of you creeping in.

    Flesh and form

    Bringing the carpet to my face,

    Dust mites gnawing my brain.

    I am watching minute snow drift

    In the sunlight, falling

    On the hot, plush landscape

    That lays scratchy beneath my cheek.

    My skin is crawling;

    Maybe the mites got bored

    With my hollow head

    And have started to explore

    The geography of my body.

    Past the rivers and canyons

    Of my face, on to the vines

    That cord my neck,

    Past the the caves

    That make up my chest

    And the earthquake

    Residing in my stomach.

    They find nothing

    And I am lost again,

    Watching the sunlit snow

    On the hot, plush landscape

    That lays soggy beneath my cheek.

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