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Posts posted by OutdoorsGuy1607306434

  1. I'm a 25 yr old gay man and i have a very close friend (he's 22) that I've known for about 5 yrs. He has always presented himself as straight since I've known him and I've always been open with him about my sexuality. About 3 yrs. ago he initiated sex with me one night which made my feelings for him more romantic. This continued to happen every few months since then, but there was always a problem after we did this. He was always very passionate about making love but the day after he would get very cold toward me and withdraw. If I questioned him about it he would say nothing was wrong. Then he would make extra effort to show me and other friends how straight he was. He recently joined the National Guard so he could maintain his tough guy image. He has told me that he has very deep feelings for me and has always questioned his own sexuality, thinking he might be gay. But 90% of the time he maintains a very straight image of himself. Anyway, this has really put a strain on our friendship, since I feel in love with him and i'm not really sure what he feels or if he is truly straight and just using me to experiment? I've tried talking this out with him but he's real reluctant to discuss it at all. So i'm frustrated and am wondering where to go from here?

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