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Posts posted by gazelle1607306433

  1. Ouch.....I think there is still something there for her..just by the way we split tells me that..right up to weeks b4 we were happy..it was just the day to day stuff the was made worse by our depression at our respective work..we had a house to renovate that wasn't happening...we had such a good three years and I believe now that maybe we became so consumed with each other and forgot our friends..she is very headstrong and often made rash decisions only to regret them where i often took too long to make a decsion..thats why we felt we complemented each other...i am trying not to contact her every day and let have have her space and see what happens but there is that feeling there that she may want to but may be to proud..i don't know...it's so confusing...

  2. I have been with my girlfriend for three years, I am 30 she 's 25 and was seriously considering asking her to marry me this xmas. However over the last 6 months work has made me increasingly depressed. My attitude changed and I have failed to make her happy. She decided to split and says that she feels much happier and has her life back. Of course living with someone like I was for 6 months anyone would feel this way. I have made significant changes in my life over the last 2 months as I feel this was the wake up call. but she is being quite adamant in her independance which is not what she is like. It's like she is going out of her way to have no contact with me which is quite the opposite of her. I was faithful and when not stressed treated her the best I could. I still love her greatly and want her back and finding it difficult not to act like some sad little puppy. I want to give her space but don't want to lose her.

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