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K Marshall1607306433

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Posts posted by K Marshall1607306433

  1. Hey Mercutio,


    While I don't know much about you, let me try to give you some advice.


    First of all, after a relationship of many years (sounds like 7+), perhaps not talking to your ex for awhile is the best thing you can do for yourself. While you say she saw something in you, her complete dismissal of your gender is probably not doing wonders for your confidence.


    Some ideas for meeting people: assess your interests and personal strengths. You say you don't like popular music or sports. Most women don't like sports. Chalk one up for you. I'm guessing from your screen name that you're into Shakespeare. Take in a play. If you have some free time, you might want to consider helping to stage a local production. It would be a great way to meet women who share your interest in theater. If you live in a bigger city, find out if one of the museums has a singles night. Volunteer.


    Have a knack or an ear for singing? Find out if a local coffee shop is putting on an open mic this week. If you can play and sing, that's great (women like men who can sing). It will give you confidence and show another side of your personality. If not, go anyway and develop opinions on local musicians.


    See local bands. They're cheap, so if you don't enjoy it, you're not out a lot of money.


    And to prepare yourself for conversation with the women you're likely to meet at any of these events, you might want to consider brushing up on any of these topics: President Bush's moral authority for admonishing corporate crime, your favorite Puccini opera, the success or failure of modern Shakespeare adaptions, your local paper's top editorial, the Best Picture worthiness of A Beautiful Mind (or Gladiator or American Beauty or Shakespeare in Love).


    Smile. Make eye contact. Ask a woman about herself, her friends, her family, her roommate, her pets, her favorite book, her job, her college memories. And insert a few of your own. Ask her out!


    And whether you're still stuck or ready to take it to the next level, let me recommend sex advice columnist Dan Savage.


    Hope I've inspired you.


    K. Marshall

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