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Posts posted by Melanie1607306431

  1. I recently got married. When we were engaged, my husband and I were not able to see eachother as often as we liked. We each have a high sex drive, and I was aware that he went on the internet quite a bit--specifically, porn sites. This did not bother me as I believe being visually stimulated is very normal.


    However, now that we're married, my husband is at home in the daytime while I work. He told me the other day that he masturbates at least once a day and sometimes twice. Meanwhile, we "went without" several times recently when I was in the mood, and when we do make love, he only ejaculates once in a while.


    He told me that sometimes he's "just not in the mood"...only hours after telling me that he masturbates twice a day! I got upset and told him I'm sick of competing with perfect women who have perfect bodies--those porn models are built much better than any dieting, exercise or surgery could ever make me. He got angry and told me that I'm insecure. Well, duh...that's the point!!


    Why would he want pictures instead of me? It's certainly not for lack of spice in our bedroom. So far we've done almost everything I've seen, read or even heard about. Why am I not attractive enough for my husband? It's killing my sex drive now too.

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