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Posts posted by Faun

  1. Everyone has unique opinions in everything. But for me, as much as it's nice to watch skinny girls with big boobs type of people out there, I really prefer them to have some meat on bones. And how much depends on her build. It's actually quite hard to define 'a big extra', but guess you get the idea.

  2. I was (and still being) raised by both biological parents. My childhood was maybe even bit above the average in the terms of wealth and care. I don't mean that we ever had money to spare really much into this we don't really need, but there has not been times when I would have to skip meal or something for having no money. My mom stayed home nursing me for couple of first years of my life, and as my brother was born year after me, she did the same for him.


    Later, since daycare, I was quite outgoing and wanted to get new friends and stuff. Not shy at all. I got friends and got along fine with everyone, never really got bullied in school or anything. While I wasn't the most popular guy at school ever (not that I even would wanted to be...), I was in this small group of friends. And some of those guys I still see like weekly.

    I'm not sure when I started to spend more time inside on my computer, thus getting more and more shy when it comes to relationships as time passed. I just reduced the time I spent with my friends, "lost all interest" to opposite sex, etc. etc...


    I see no connection here with me and my parents it this matter. My mom meets many, many people in her work daily, and she's also involved in some voluntarily stuff. My dad's almost the same thing.

    As I wanted to start building relationships to people in terms of dating, I noticed that all this shyness I've gotten along the years has been like a wall I can't climb. Quite rare are the times I've had myself even to the point of talking to opposite sex in real life, not to mention that I would been able to tell them about my feelings. Usually in those kind of situations I just try to quickly say what I need to say, and then get lost.


    So to sum things up; raised by social parents, somehow grown to exact opposite.


    And sorry for any grammatical mistakes I've made, English it's not even my second language

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