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Posts posted by maymie

  1. So, I still havent had my period since the end of January. Ive taken 3 different tests at different times, all negative. I'm going in for a blood test this weekend just to be sure, but how reliable are pregnancy tests? They 99.9% or something, but I have heard that they can be completely wrong.


    Also, when can you take them? Ive taken them all in the mornings.. but does it really matter if you take 4 days before your missed period...


    I never understood that...

  2. Yeah, I'm making an appointment for bc.


    I'm so stressed out because of school and work mostly. I'm so overloaded. Next semester, I need to take less classes. But thank you for the advice... I'm freaking because like you said, I'm wayyy to young to have a child.

  3. Me and my bf have been together for 2+ years. My last period was the very end of January. Its now March 8. Sometimes my period freaks out and comes late because of stress. (This past month has been extremely stressful.) The condom didn't break or anything, but I'm just a little worried. Ive taken a few pregnancy tests, and they came up negative, but I have heard they can be wrong if you take them at the wrong time.


    Am I overreacting? Or could I be pregnant?



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