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Posts posted by Arro

  1. our spring break isn't until the week of the 19th so i still have some time...however, i haven't seen this guy for over a week!! it's funny, because as soon as i finally know what i'm going to say and how i'm going to approach him, he's never there! it's so frustrating...that and i sorta miss him (pathetic, i know, after all i don't even know the guy's name i just feel like i missed my chance at a great opportunity...but who knows. so now i'm more concerned about actually seeing the guy again so that i can talk to him. i don't like this waiting...


    Wow, you guys take your spring break late!


    Try not to think about this guy too much right now; you'll make yourself crazy. And when the time comes and you have your moment, don't let yourself chicken out. If you feel that nervousness wash over your stomach (that happens to me a lot), try applying that energy to making yourself go forward. As someone else in this thread put it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  2. I'm running into the same issues of having problems meeting girls at college. However, let me share something with you.


    Last semester I was studying at the library, and at the table next to me was a very cute girl. I was trying to think of something clever or funny to say, but I couldn't think of anything and eventually she left. Disappointed in myself, I went back to my dorm and asked a knowledgeable friend how I should have gone about it. Here's what he said: "Just get up, stretch, and yawn. Do it naturally, but in a way that will hopefully get her to notice you. If she does, ask her what she's studying."


    I actually haven't had a chance to try this out, but I thought it was worth sharing.

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