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Posts posted by arniebuteft

  1. Anyway, why does he need time to think? Why does he want to call me talk aobut this?


    Better question, why should you care? This man doesn't hurt over you, but you sure are hurting over him. Do yourself a favor and get him out of your life - get busy with friends and family, do other things. He'll probably continue to string you along, if for nothing else than some occasional sex.

  2. This man is causing you nothing but heartache, has this "relationship" of yours given you any happiness recently? Real, meaningful happiness, not just a fun moment or two sandwhiched between long periods of doubt and fear that you'll say the wrong thing and push him away? You're walking on eggshells around him. He does not sound particularly interested in you - you're doing all the work in this relationship to keep it going.

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