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Posts posted by Robert123

  1. Thank you very much everyone for taking the time out of your lives to help me. I wanted to thank you all sooner but I've been having an extremely stressful week. But it's very comforting to know that there are people here who are so willing to help a complete stranger like myself with life's struggles. Thank you.


    I might write more about our relationship later but things are improving between us as we have had many long open talks these past few days and we have a better understanding of where each of us is coming from. There are still a lot of things that I need to think about, but at least a lot of my concerns have been settled.


    Thanks again,


  2. Hi everyone,


    I need some advice from you guys about my relationship. I've been dating a girl for 10 months now. We are both 22. When we first started dating she told me that she needed a year before having sex because of her Christian upbringing, that she felt like she needed to be in a relationship for a year before losing her virginity (yes we are both virgins). I decided that that was alright with me because already I had felt a strong connection with her.


    It's been 10 months now and I still feel a deep connection between us. I love her very much and I know that she loves me very much as well. I have been happy with our relationship, emotionally at least, as we get along really great and I love spending time with her. We do have intimacy, but basically the furthest she lets me go is kiss her breasts, and anything with the genitals is off limits. I feel as though I'm ready to move things further, like we are constantly holding back.


    But last night she told me that she only wants to have sex with one person in her life, the person that she marries, and that she needs another year before she can commit to something like that. This has totally turned my world upside down. How can I marry someone unless I know for sure that I can be satisfied emotionally and physically? I explained that to her and she told me that that is "reasonable," but she still does not feel ready to start being sexually intimate anytime soon.


    I feel really torn right now. We get along so well... we rarely fight, and we both love spending our days together. She has been a really great girlfriend to me and always very supportive. But I feel as though 2 years without sex is not a healthy relationship at all and I'm worried that I'm wasting my youth away when I could be experiencing so much more.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and take care,


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