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Miss iMossible

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Posts posted by Miss iMossible

  1. Ok, so here's a story for you.


    Just tonight I caught up with an old friend of mine. An old colleague actually who I've talked with over the years since I left that job. We talked again recently with a view of a job opportunity at his new business as he always planned to offer before I left.


    Um, well. This was the first time he'd seen me in two years and most of the night he was trying to hit on me. I'm not kidding. I've been crying all the way home. Someone who used to respect me so much for my skills and intelligence, now all of a sudden saying some really cheesy and derogatory things to me (eg. asking about my sex life, commenting on how attractive I was). At first I thought he was just being friendly and trying to make me feel good about myself, but then it got really uncomfortable.


    Right now it feels worse when people who knew me before suddenly change there approach to me. At least the new people don't know any better!

  2. I found your post purely by googling "depression after weight loss". I'm going through exactly the same thing. I lost 115 pounds, having been overweight my entirely life. I've suffered from both depression and anxiety in my earlier life and it's recently come back post-weightloss.


    You assume you'll feel happy, confident and positive once the weight has gone but it's the reverse for me. I've found myself behaving in ways I'd never behaved before. People seem to like me finally, but it isn't the real me. Sure, guys have started noticing me for the first time but I don't trust them and I am certainly have trouble letting my guard down to get close to any of them.


    Most of all I feel completely unsettled, unsure of myself, and absolutely petrified of committing to anything for fear it's all one big "gotcha" joke. And with the emotional highs and lows, I am convinced people think I'm scatterbrained and useless. And the strangest part is that I still identify myself as a 'big girl'. I was happier when I thought I had no hope. Now that I can see what has been denied me my entire life, I am so afraid and overwhelmed by the future that it's crippling me professionally and personally.


    Please feel free to email me or read about some of the ups and downs in my blog. link removed

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