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Posts posted by theotherwoman

  1. thanks everyone for your responses. i guess the most important thing that i didn't say is that i don't know what i want. i'm not ready for anything serious. but what makes it serious i think is his situation. and i would never want to be the reason he left. i don't think that's right. i guess i am feeling very guilty because i want to continue this, because it is making me happy but i feel like it is wrong.

  2. And there is a lot more to the story. We work together. And we always flirted a lot, but it was a joke. And then it became real. But he has a 1 and 1/2 year old baby and a girlfriend. He lives with them, and her parents. I don't think he knows what he is doing. Neither do I. Somehow it just grew into something bigger than I expected. He always tells me he loves me, but I don't know if I take that seriously. I think in his culture (he's Mexican and I'm not), people say that much faster and more often. I can't seem to stop now. But I can't think of any good place this could lead. He is coming to my house every day right now. Today we walked around in his neighborhood, which is crazy if someone sees him.

    I think I thought this would be just about sex, and somehow I told myself it was fine just this once, to do something like that. But its not about that. We just lay around and talk, and take walks, and goof around. I've never been in this position. Or anywhere close for that matter. Its also strange because we are a very unlikely pair. And so it attracts quite a lot of attention. People look at us strange.


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