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Posts posted by Desperate_D

  1. thsnks all for the replies. i come from an asian background so the weddin will not b postponed even if i wanted to. its jst not goin to happen. its more like a deadline before which i need to solve all our problems. today i spoke to her bout it n she seems willing to try but i dunno if its me or her or * * * is goin on sometimes


    i knw for sure she wont agree to councelling..i love her very much so i guess ill try to figure things out with her somehow..


    ps -sizzle2028 pls continue ur story..sounds alot like me n my gf..go on...

  2. Ok so me and my gf have been dating for over 3 yrs now. and we r gonna b gettin married in a few months time..and we r currently living together as well. we have been living together for the lst 8 months or so. when we first moved intogether we had alot of space problems and we'll glad to tell u guys we made it through tht but now lately the relationship has become very very dull and monotonous.. we hardly tlk like we used to..i dont feel close to her as much as i used to..we seem to be in totally different worlds atm.. and i really want things to be great between us before we get married..i cnt communicate with her at all she always seems to be in a bad mood.. if i bring something up i feel strongly about she jst seems to get more annoyed about things and shuts me out..lately ive started to think about how i really feel about her.. dont get me wrong i still love her but its not the way it used to be..we had alot of problems in the past so now i seem to see her in different light so i dont feel close to her like i used to..im kind of lost in my own world too and when we seemed to have so much in common and so many great things to talk bout now its jst very dull and frankly boring to hang out with her.. these things scare me more cuz i am goin to marry her and i dont want to get into a marriage knowing i dont feel 100% about it..but one more thing i shud mention is that the marriage is no matter wht so i really want to solve all these problems..i hope u guys can help me out..thanks !

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