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Posts posted by science2424

  1. No I'm not in high school, it's college. You have to admit that a lot of drinking does go on in college, which is why I'm kind of unsure if the drinking thing is bad or not. Well, I know it's bad, but I mean, I'm unsure if it's any more of a problem than anyone else has. Thanks for the reply.

  2. Please help me on this. So I'm 18 and in college on a full-ride scholarship. My bf is 17 and in high school. He's not the most dedicated student, in fact he ditches quite often, always with some excuse or another. His dad got on his case yesterday about him not cleaning the house enough, and my bf got really upset and decided he wasn't gonna put gas in his car and was just gonna get stranded an hour away from home and force his dad to pick him up. (Real mature, right?) Well, I convinced him not to do that. He and I both have a slight alcohol problem, and recently he started smoking weed. I said I didn't want to smoke any, but he begged me so much, that I tried it. I'm also always saying I don't want to drink anymore, but he's always buying more and bringing it to me. He even wants to get a fake id to be able to access alcohol easier. And on top of all this, he's been making me pay for literally everything every time we hang out. Motels when he comes to visit, food...everything. Sorry for the list of grievances, and trust me, the list of his positive attributes would be much longer, but I'm not concerned with that right now. Anyway, I just don't know who to turn to about this because my mom would freak out and anyone else's opinion would be too biased. What do you guys think I should do?

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