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Posts posted by livinda_vidaloca

  1. thankyou! for some great words of advice i dont believe he is cheating, but i have to think like that or it would really eat me up inside, and the more i think about it the more i think maybe it is just me being paranoid, so i will bear it mind what i found and keep my eye open, maybe its nothing to worry about

  2. sorry need to say this, duno if it will change anyones opinion tho, but my guy he is a very genuinely friendly guy, he has always had girl mates, i am just worried about the wording in the messages, and how he deleted them from me. he doesnt hide messgaes from his female flat mates, but i figured this was cuz he has nothing to hide about her, and he thinks i would never feel threatened by her, (even tho any girl could be a threat to me really cudnt they? how do i know who he would rather shag? lol)

  3. wow thanx for your replys everyone! greatly apreciated! so i think i will keep quiet, which is what i was thinking of doing anyway, i didnt want to make him feel like i dont trust him cuz if he genuinely isnt doing anything wrong it would hurt him to think i didnt trust him. so il be quiet, and hope i dont find anything else! thankyou!

  4. hello everyone, this is my first post here, and im hoping someone can provide me with some answers! right where to start? i need some neutral peoples opinions please!! male and female! right, been with my boyfriend nearly 3 years, i trust him and he has told me he has never cheated on me, but this last weekend, (he comes home from uni every weekend) i was having a sneaky nose on his phone while he went out (which he normally doesnt mind me doing) looking at his photos and messages etc, and i found some messages from a girl at his uni, one saying something like "you should come over again soon, havent seen you in a while" (he tells me what he does every day at uni but never mentioned going over to a girls house) and so i checked his outbox and found a couple of messages to her one message saying "happy birthday for fri, wish i could be there"

    now im probably just being paranoid which is why im writing this to have other peoples opinions, anyway i decided to ask him about them, so i said could i have a look at his messages, and he got quite defensive, like he was joking, but wouldnt let me look, anyway i nipped to the loo and when i came back he offered me his phone and said i can look, so i looked in his inbox and all the other messages were there that i had seen earlier, but not the messages to and from this girl!! now that just made me feel like he was hiding something from me. I didnt want to confront him about it as he didnt know i had looked at his messages before as i never said anything to him. what should i do?? do you think i should just forget about it? i dont think he is cheating on me, but it doesnt stop me thinking that he is hiding something from me! and i hate that feeling! help me please!

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