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Posts posted by yme26

  1. yeah she told me she did not have an outbreak at the time, I dont think she was lying wither because if she did have an outbreak, I doubt sex would feel good. I however have done some research and they say that the symptoms show up 2 to 10 days after contact. ITs almost been 2 weeks but I probrably wont feel safe until a couple of months have gone by

  2. Hello, I need some advice, I had sex with a girl twice about a week ago and she just informed me that she had genital herpes. I was furious to say the least. However, I used protection both times but I am reading that you can still get the disease even if you are protected. I have not had any symptoms but I am still scared. I get really tired but I am 99.9% sure that it is due to me being depressed about the notion of having the disease. I went to the doctor and they told me just to wait it out. Any advice on what I should do.

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