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Posts posted by adriannewatersyahoo.com

  1. So I'm 17 and I don't have boy experience. The most I've had were the 5 boyfriends in kindergarten. I've just been really focused on school.


    now that I'm rounding off my senior year, I'm able to chillax now.


    My lab partner, Greg, he's been around since freshman year but we never talked (i just knew he was cute and intelligent) until we were assigned partners this year. I don't know how to read guys...he asks about me and what i like, my volleyball details, my family, and he's always making jokes. A few weeks ago he said, "We should play volleyball together sometime" I was just like, "Yeah!" never thought he was actually serious, but today, he's like, "So are we playing volleyball this weekend?" I was like, "Of course!" (Again, not thinking he was serious/being nice) then after class he asks for my number and AIM . then just before I was leaving to go to lunch he asked me if I had a club meeting today and I told him that i didn't and I was gonna go to the library to study. While i'm in the library, I see him walk in and sit down on the couches...which is weird...i suppose.


    All signs point to that he likes me?...i don't know though. I like him, and I wouldn't mind a date, but does he like me or is he just being a flirt/a guy and he happened to go into the library? and what about asking for my number? does that mean "i like you" or he just wants to play volleyball?

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