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Posts posted by Beaut

  1. This past January I met someone thru a website and we started coorasponding. To be honest it was on an adult web site and it started out as just sexual discussions..but eventually turned into much more. In the last 7 months we have learned so much about each other and found that we have a lot of things in common..the same thoughts feelings and opinions on life and love. We've connected on every level possible....well almost. Here is the problem. First of all..I am in the states and he lives in Canada. We joke that fate has played a cruel joke on us. He has always been open and honest with me, at least as far as I know and he's told me more then once that he does not feel anything emotional...yet. He said that he needs to be with the person...physically..not just sexually but to be WITH the person and he can't feel anything more just by talking on here and the phone. I guess I can see that but of course I have fallen for him hard...emotionally. Then there is another problem...he was involved with someone for a long time..but she was/is married and they ended it a year ago. He still has not gotten over her totally and she seems to keep popping back into his life confusing him. Unfortunately she is local to him and I am 2000 miles way. We have shared our lives..on here and by phone for 7 months now and we are still planning to hopefully meet and spend at least a week together. With all these obsticles all I can do is hope that once we DO meet he will feel the emotions that I hope for so much. He knows how I feel about him...I have made no secret of that and he is not running away. He also has a mental block about the distance and can't see how it could work even tho I told him I'd be willing to move if things were working out. Does this seem like a possible thing...or am I just fooling myself and wasting my time?

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