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Posts posted by DazzleMe

  1. Hi I could really do with some advice - I'll make the story short.


    Okay there's three of us, me, my male friend and his girlfriend. We're all pretty close. He loves his girlfriend. BUT a few months ago I told him I liked him and we ended up kissing. She doesn't know. (yeah i know it was bad, apaprently they were on a break). I was upset that he went back to his girlfriend and he said he did it because he felt 'sorry' for me and he didn't want to reject me. However, it was kida obvious he liked it!! He said he loves her.


    So that was a few months ago, and things have changed. We don't go out anymore as friends - but the problem is him. He said 'we're not married to you so we don't need to be in constant contact' which is unfair. I said they were leaving me out.


    So why is he being like this? His girlfriend is a bit of an idiot as a) she thought we were going behind her back before we even did (this is partly the reason he kissed me, to get back at her in his head). b) She thinks he doesn't love her when he clearly does, he'd do anything for her. So what do I do?


    I've tried everything to win him back as a friend (I'm closer to him than his girlfriend) by ignoring him, being really friendly..being understanding etc etc....but what he said today about we not needing to be around eachother shows he doesn't really care about me?


    Shall I ignroe him and hope he comes back? (I've been doing this but he hasn't) We see eachother around college and he says 'hi' etc and has lil conversations but doesn't really want to spend loads of time with me - well he doesn't arrange anything.


    I just feel like I've lost him on both levels - as a really good friend..and well, as someone who's just been rejected.


    Why's he being like this?

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