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Posts posted by silver

  1. Hi all,


    This is my first post on here, it's great there is actually a site dealing with things like these. Well, I had dated my then gf for 3 years, we got engaged, and shortly thereafter she told me she cheated on me and was leaving me to figure things out on her own. To give you some more background, we were young and I didn't know this at the time, but she cheated on her then boyfriend to be with me. I know, I know - I was asking for it...I knew of this but I thought the 3 years had bought her a little respect and trust.


    My problem, however, is the fact that she is showing no guilt over any of this. Before we were engaged she was all into me, our life, our future, etc...this i can attest too. But all of a sudden it's like her personality has just reversed. Suddenly she treats me like i'm nothing...and even blames me for what happened. She tells me that there were problem with our "relationship" and that the cheating was only a "sympton", not the "cause". And right now i'm having trouble trying to stomach how this girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with can just treat me like this. She's shown absolutely no remorse for her actions!!!


    It's just so hard to go on knowing she's just turned into everything I would despise in a woman overnight. How can cheating be my fault? We don't argue a whole lot, i'm good to her, but still she's treating me like i'm abusive or something. I asked her where we stand...and she tells me that, "i want to be friends...but for the future, i can't say we won't be together because no one can predict the future".


    What's all the more weird is that, shouldn't I be the one who's supposed to be mad at her? I'm not really aggressive about my opinions so I haven't really even yelled at her for what she's done. But just the fact she's been aggressive about trying to pin this on me hurts...she uses lines like, "you dug your own grave"...and..."you put the bullets in the gun".


    My friends tell me to forget her, but I can't. And I don't know why. They tell me that by her actions, she's the type of girl who's going to go from guy to guy like this...i just don't know what to believe about her, or if i'll be able to trust a woman again.


    Sorry for the long-winded post.

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