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Posts posted by TEF3

  1. I was honestly in your situation before me and my ex got back together. First off no matter what you do do not expect to much from it. If you do decide to send her something dont expect her to call you, make sure you are doing this from your hear without any expectation. From experience I would say not to send her anything at all. Make her realize what she lost.


    Is that what you did in your situation? Send nothing?

  2. Tef3,


    So which is worse?

    a. Your wishes for a happy b-day is received favorably, but she does not bring up any talk about the relationship, breakup, reconciliation

    b. You do not send b-day wishes and beat yourself up about it for days and days


    If you think you WILL agonize over NOT acknowledging her b-day, then how sending about a nice but simple happy b-day (e)card as DN suggested?


    You're good at giving advice. If I think about it in those terms, both those options are not very good, so the card is the best way to go. Makes sense.

  3. Hi there,

    Sorry but if I may ask:


    if your ultimate goal is to reconcile, why do you want her to think you're 100% healed from the break up, less than one month after the event?


    Why not be straightforward instead: i.e. that you are still hurting but are trying to move on?


    Those are good questions.


    I guess because I have a bit of an ego and want to preserve some dignity here, and I want her to know that I'm able to move on without her, so that she regrets her decision.

  4. Do not call her.


    You were dumped and are still in the healing phase. This is the time to take care of yourself and not worry about what she thinks. There is a very good chance she will be surprised that you have not called. It will make her miss you more because it seems she took you for granted, however...


    calling her will set you back. Right now the most important person to take care of is you.


    I can see the logic here.


    But I guess I thought that if she doesn't hear from me, she'll think I will have moved on and thereforeeee think I'm no longer interested in her.

  5. Hi there,

    And please DO take care of yourself: don't forget to eat, sleep, rest, exercise, get fresh air, hang out with friends, etc etc ...


    Hi thanks for your message. I'm doing pretty good actually, I have no choice to move on because of my career keeps me busy. But frequently I think of her and miss having her in my life. That's the hardest part.


    As for your questions:


    Questions 1 and 2 won't happen. I know her personality well enough to rule those out.


    As for question 3, i'm not expecting her to want to get back together right away, but hope she will over time.


    As for question 4, the answer will probably be yes, especially if I never hear from her again.

  6. I guess what i'm confused about is that if I was 100% completely over this (and I want her to think that I am) then I'd call her to wish her a happy bday because I'd like to eventually keep a friendship out of this.


    She always appreciated the fact that was nicer than most guys out there and I want her to continue to think I am.


    Or am I being stupid about this.

  7. My gf and I broke up after 3 years. This happened less than a month ago. She broke up with me.


    Her reasons included

      "I just don't feel the same about us like before"

      "It's too early for me to commit myself to one person for the rest of my life" because she is only 22 (i'm 26)

      I think the external pressure from her family and friends that we were going to be together forever freaked her out. (I have absolutely no desire yet to get married or anything like that)


    She also said at the same time though "I still love you" and "Maybe we'll get back together one day" and "I still want to be friends with you".


    As for me, I miss her more and more each day and hope we get back together soon. I have no contact with her since we broke up.


    Which leads me to my main question:


    Unfortunately for me, her birthday is next week. I really want to call her, for the reasons stated above. And I know she is hoping for a call from me and would appreciate it.


    Some people (mostly on these forums) say that based on this breakup, I should not contact her at all. By not contacting her, she'll miss me and regret her decision.


    Others say (mostly my friends and coworkers) that I should be a 'good person' and call her, and in the long run she will appreciate that and thereforeeee appreciate me more.


    So what do I do?


    Thanks for reading my situation.

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