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Posts posted by cucajj

  1. Hello,


    I am hoping that someone will read this and help me.


    I am re-married. My first husband was great, we were best friend and together for 8 years, but he ended it because I was obsessed with having children and he didn't want any. But, that's over!


    I met someone about 6 months after my seperation and it was an exciting romance. Then we moved in together and the fighting started. Big fights but somehow I managed to stay. Maybe because I was scared of being alone...again. then we bought a house and I kept telling myself to get out. But, what about the house? Then we got married and I told myself the same thing…but not every day. I think probably why I stay with him is because he loves me and sometimes, like 50% (although lately it is more like 20%) of the time, he is really great. But there is no in-between. And we don’t talk, we don’t have any hobbies in common. The story goes on, we have a 6 month old baby. And he is really great with her and I can’t take her away from him. But, I am American and he in Spanish and we live in Spain and my leaving would mean that she wouldn’t get to see her father and that is not fair to either of them.


    But I cry at least twice a week from the mean things he says to me. He always criticizes me, but I am not allowed to criticize him because he makes it like an attack and turns everyhting around saying that I am the one causing all the problems. That we can’t talk (that is true because it always ends up being a fight and he becomes sarcastic and doesn’t listen saying, “yeah whatever…I know you and I know what you’re doing). But, I run to work just to be away from him. I prefer to clean the house so I don’t have to spend time with him. And he sees this and that makes him even more defensive. And he says I am not affectionate, but how can I be when he calls me “Imbecile and useless”? I’m stuck. Please help!


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