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Posts posted by ajcoyote

  1. So I finally got to talk to her last night (after not talking to her for a full week while she was in Africa), and she completely surprised me by bringing up our future together - just what I'd been thinking about but was afraid to bring up. This from the same girl who has told me repeatedly from the very beginning that she avoids commitment and doesn't like to plan for the future! Somehow I believe our love for one another has broken many boundaries for both of us.


    So she brought up all sorts of ways that we could be together, find work in the same area, etc... i really can't believe it. I had convinced myself from the very beginning that it would never happen - that she was too independent, it would never work in the long run. There's still a lot to work out, but really I never thought this relationship would mature to the stage its at.


    So here I am flabbergasted, trying to stay present while fondly imagining future possiblities.

  2. OK, my girlfriend of 3 months has been in Africa for the last month. She's on her way back to America as i write this, although i won't see again for another two weeks.


    Since she's been gone in Africa I talked to her maybe 6 times in 4 weeks plus a few emails. Its been hard for me not having communication but most of the time i've distracted myself writing my master's thesis.


    Fortunately I'll have more contact with her soon, and she'll be visiting me in two weeks, and for the three months after that we'll be able to spend most weekends together (we'll be living ~ 3 hours apart).


    So here's my question: Right now I have so many things I want to tell her and ask her about, especially deep feelings and questions about the future of our relationship (which she avoids talking about). So how long do I wait to start bringing those things up? Sometimes I feel like I want to wait until we're together to talk about 'important things', and I don't want to push her on future commitment. Maybe she'll be more receptive if I wait until we're together. But I can't put my feelings and questions on hold forever. I don't want them to boil over as they have in the past.


    Oh, it's hard not being able to communicate with someone I love so much!





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