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Posts posted by mystery777

  1. I leave that to all the people who went to the other high school in my town. They already have a good idea, and have tried to spread it into my school. Failed, by me of course. But I can't lie forever. He will find out, somewhere, sometime. Also, to put the world on my shoulders even more, today, school was closed because of a wind chill of -17.


    Not that there is even a real age difference between us,(unless you are big on rounding up). I was born just 8 days before his 1st birthday. Less than 1 year. 358 days to be exact(Leap year).

  2. I'm a freshman , and I have at really big crush on this sophomore guy. But, two problems stand in my way of telling him. 1) His reaction, 2) Whether he is straight, bi or gay. 2 very big problems.


    You probably haven't seen obsessed until you see my feelings for him. I have been on the verge of losing control, and slamming him against the wall and kissing him. But, I usually stop saying to myself- "No, thats insane." We make a lot of eye contact, even when, say we are on a bus. One of us would turn around and act like we were looking around and the lock in on each other. Even if something passed between us, we would still be completely locked onto each other's eyes. then when something interesting happens, most likely, we break.


    I am one of his friends, and we hang out a lot. he plays Bass, and Trumpet, I play trumpet and synthesizer. We are in marching band and Show choir combo together, so for most of the weekends, we are near each other. of course, that will end on Feb 17th, in which nothing happens until MB in June.


    I really want to do something before the 17th or I lose control of myself.


    I usually get close whenever I can. I can feel the heat rising between us when ever we stand near. I want to tell him, or kiss him, or all of the above, but I am scared to tell him.


    i wonder if he will be freaked out, or accept it. As of now, only my 5 closest friends know the truth, and only 1 knows his name. And, i don't like bottling up emotions. I have so many forms of communication to him. Cell, school, email, myspace, his friends, etc. I could use any at anytime, but that little barrier holds me back.


    Every once in a while I type out a quick message, and store it in a file, called, "What i would say if I told him". It is a secret file, hidden, so my parents can't find it.


    Anyhow, I am just so confused. Yet this is so difficult. Even the time when we were at awards I sat right in front of him, and leaned back a little. He didn't seem to mind. Even though his legs were open and he clearly knew what I had done.


    What move should I make?

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