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Posts posted by curiousgeorge398

  1. I've always viewed it that way because how many straight guys do you know that are comfortable with things like touching each other? I've never met anyone else that would be even remotely comfortable with that...let alone do it to me as well.


    I was also thinking about the nervous comment. He's not nervous around me when we are hanging out. But if he were to be in his boxers, he's always sure to have a blanket covering most of himself up. But again that may just be him being self conscious.

  2. The most he ever talks about women in general is when we are watching a movie/tv/music video he'll say someone looks good/is hot. But thats about it...if we go out to lunch or something, I've never heard him see a girl (or guy for that matter) that he says is hot etc.


    He tends to be more vocal about women when we are around other people. I always thought he would say stuff like that so people thought he was interested in women...somewhat as a cover.


    Again I don't know if I'm just looking into it too much...but when I think about the way he acts around me/others...and think about how most guys I know are straight act...its so completely different ya know?

  3. He's liberal politically.


    Well we've had our little chats about this and that randomly. When I was home for christmas break we went out to get some lunch and he asked me how I liked school (just transferred to a new college). Got on the subject of how am I doing making friends and such. My two good friends up here are friends with a gay couple and I mentioned that. I told him for one, you'd never know they were gay unless they told you and two- its not like they are any different from you and I, they just have different likes/dislike...just like everyone else. And he said that was probably the best thing he's heard since he had been home...or something to that extent. Whenever we talked about sex/sexuality; he's always said he's open to things such as gay/lesbian people. Not really sure how to take it all

  4. Yes that is why I'd like to talk to him about how I feel but at the same time I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship if he was upset about it. I just wish there was an easier way - cause I'd prefer not to harm our relationship.


    Seems like there are signals to say he might be interested - but at the same time there are some that say he isn't interested. How would you suggest going about bringing up the subject? I wouldn't feel comfortable just saying "oh by the way, I'm kinda curious about you..."

  5. Hi, I'm a 20 year old male and in college and fairly bi-curious. I've always wondered about my good friend from high school because of the way he acted around me. Anyway here are some examples of behavior that makes me wonder if he is bi/gay.


    First of all we started hanging out our senior year of high school and always joked around with "gay" things in a way. Most of this occurred when we were alone (at my house/his) - not around school and such. He is kind of a bigger guy (probably around 250). I've always thought he was self conscious of his size as well so that might make him less comfortable with things.


    One example is being 'touchy.' I'd put my hand on his upper thigh, butt, chest and sometimes crotch "jokingly" and he would just laugh and either pull away or push my hand off. At the same time, he would do the same to me...but he'd pull his hand away after a few seconds; because I wouldn't pull away or push him away. Although I will admit I was doing it more than me.


    Second whenever I slept over - once we were getting closer to going to bed we'd usually watch a movie. He'd either unzip his pants or just take his pants off. I'd do the same but I wear briefs and he never really minded or was uncomfortable with me in them. One of the times I slept over we slept in his room; him on his bed and me on the floor. We were talking when we woke up and I had my covers off and any time I turned around to look at him; he'd turn his head away quickly as if he wasn't looking at me (or my backside).


    Also a number of times we slept over; we'd both be on air mattresses next to each other. He would say something along the lines of "What if we woke up like this" and would make a motion like he was going to lay right next to me with an arm over me - like we were sleeping together. Again when he did that; I'd actually move next to him and put an arm/leg around him and like the other touchy things; he'd just laugh and say 'get off' or 'stop.'


    He said he's only had two or three girlfriends but hasn't had one since his sophomore year in high school. The only time he really mentioned girls was when we watched a movie and he'd say 'that actress is hot' or something like that.


    I dunno - maybe I'm just reading these things all wrong hoping that he would be interested. I just think about it randomly and wish that I could find out this summer when we are both in town for summer break. Any suggestions would be appreciated

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