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Posts posted by enlightenme72

  1. Man what a ... If she wanted to give them birthday presents, why didn't she ask for their dates of birth? (Or did she?) And she'd hardly be pushing so hard if that's all it was, it would be more like, "Alright so, forget it" if that was the reason... Good on your boyfriend.


    Thanks, and I totally agree, and no she didn't ask for their birthdates. She sent me an email about a month ago telling me I would never be a mom to HER son and that she didnt want HER son to get too close to my kids or anything to do with them or me. And, all of a sudden she supposedly wants to buy them gifts. First of all, she doesn't work AT ALL and if she bought gifts, I'd assume getting them from my boyfriend since its HIS child support that would be buying the gifts!!!!!!!!

    She just frustrates the heck out of us both!!!!](*,)

  2. She even told him tonight that she can keep their son from being able to be around my kids at all....


    I think she is out there....there is no reason to keep him away from my kids, its sheer jealousy, and I feel she's up to something to try to make it happen, when there is nothing that has happened for her to keep him away from any of us...hell he needs away from her if she keeps flipping out about stuff she has no business knowing at all!!

  3. Ok, for some reason my boyfriends mother of his child wants the names, first and last names, and ages of my children. She has never said a kind word to me, and now wants me to just give her this information freely. I say, since they are my children and I'm responsible for them, that I don't need to give that information to her. My boyfriend isn't their legal parent, so he has no authority to give out that information without my permission and he is sticking to it.


    Her reasons she wants it is if their son comes home with a bump or something happens to him that she can know who is around him. Then tonight when he said he wasn't giving her the information, she said that is bull and that she just wanted them for when he goes overseas (he is in the military) and they have a birthday she can get them a present. ( ok i know the chic is lying because she has said she doesnt even want their son to get to know my kids and my boyfriend and I live together)


    So, with this information on what is going on, would you give the information to her? I SAY NO!

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