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Posts posted by PunkRcker8906

  1. Well see the thing is my and my boyfriend have been dating a while and hes been getting really horny lately. I mean makingout for 5 minutes and he starts to get hard. I only see him only the weekends so hwen he sees me hes usaully all over me cause he missed me.


    The problem is that were not ready for sex yet and I kinda want to help him out but Im shy. I mean he gets really horny and I was talking to his firned the other day and he told me how my boyfriend told him that I gove him a case of blueballs everytime he sees me.


    I mean I feel really bad about it cause its my fault cause im the one who did it to him. I mean I was the one who gave him the boner and everything.


    I want to do something to help but the thought of giving him head kinda creeps me out. I mean were only 15. Hes 4 months lder than me and i just turned 15 a week ago.


    I love him to death and I hate to do this to him. What can I do? Im in a jam. I mean there not much I can do his parents are always home and theres always the risk of being caught. I mean we cant do anything at my house cause my sister is the noisiest little * * * * * ever.


    So help me out everyone tell me what I can do. PLEASE

  2. Your sweet. Trust me, the last thing he was thinking about was his parents..it was all you and him.


    Well I mean they will ask questions adn his family is really big on that kinda stuff cause their catholic. Hes parents are really strict. I mean I dont want to do anything that would make him have to stop seeing me.

  3. Well I dont want him to be uncomfortable cause his parents are in the house and they will be asking questions after I leave. I mean I dont want him to cum in his pants cause he might be uncomfortable and then that will make me uncomfortable.

  4. The other day I was with my boyfriend and we started making out.


    Well he pulled me/I climbed into his lap so I was straddling him and I could feel he had a MAJOR erection.


    Well after awhile he grabbed my hips and grinded me against him trying to get to to do it on my own.


    Well I got the hint and this was the first time we were doing that.


    Well I started grinding against him/dry humping and he grabbed my hips and started grinding me harder against him while he thrusted his hips up.


    Well the firt time he did that his head shot back from mine so it was resting to the back of the couch and he started breathing really hard.


    He kept on grinding me harder and faster against him and I just didnt want to sit there so I started kissing and sucking on his neck which made him breathing even harder.


    Soon he started moaning and I knew that was my que to stop so I stopped and he started whinning and kept on trying to get me to start again.


    Is that normal? Please help me!

  5. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 6 and a half months and he doesnt seem all that interested in me as before. I mean at first he was really shy but thats just the kinda person he is. Hes like that with everone he first meets. But the thing is he took a while to kiss me (3 weeks to be exact) but thats only cause I got sick of waiting for him to do it, so I kissed him first. But it was only a peck on the lips.


    Then as he got closer to me he would kiss me alot more. But now he just doesnt do it alot anymore. Like if were sitting cuddled up on the couch he will kiss me on the forehead or the top of the head but thats it. He will Kiss kiss me every now and again and its starting to scare me.


    He tells me he loves me all the time.


    I mean am I doing something wrong to make him lose interest in me? I mean is he going through something all guys do or is he losing interest in me?


    Please help me. I could really use the help.

  6. Okay the thing is my boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months and were both 17. He gets a boner every once in a while but last night I thought I would take a risk. I loosened his belt and I slipped my fingers into his waist band giving him anytime to stop me if he wanted to. But he never did. So I kept on going and I didnt want to take to much of a risk so I put my hand just down his pants not his boxers. Well he was starting to get a boner but he wasnt fully there but as soon as I grabbed him he was up. He started breathing really hard but didnt make a sound. As I flet him up (if you want to call it that) he was still breathing really hard but he still didnt make a sound. I mean is that normal?


    I mean dont guys make some kind of noise?

  7. Okay the thing is my boyfriened and I have been dating for 6 nonths and were both 17. He gets a boner every once in a while but last night I thought I would take a risk. I loosened his belt and I slipped my fingers into his waist band giving him anytime to stop me if he wanted to. But he never did. So I kept on going and I didnt want to take to much of a risk so I put my hand just down his pants not his boxers. Well he was starting to get a boner but he wasnt fully there but as soon as I grabbed him he was up. He started breathing really hard but didnt make a sound. As I flet him up (if you want to call it that) he was still breathing really hard but he still didnt make a sound. I mean is that normal?

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