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Posts posted by lifes2short

  1. I check for a wedding ring, even though I know a lot of men don't wear them. Just curiosity I suppose as it would never enter my head to hit on anyone else given the fact I am married. My husband never checks for a wedding ring. Probably too busy looking at their other assets.


    He wore his wedding ring for the first few years after we were married and then all of a sudden it came off. I now realise he didn't want anyone (well I suppose females actually) to know he was married. I was hurt by this as I had never forced him to wear a ring and he wanted to buy one. After quite a few years of him not wearing it I finally asked him to. It made me feel that our marriage was not a priority for him and that he was looking elsewhere. He now wears it, but the I have to laugh as he takes it off if he gets angry with me. Soooooo childish.

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