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Posts posted by MiguelSC

  1. So my girlfriend and I have been going out for a couple of months now and I got to tell you there is no one else like her. The sex is great and the relationship is as well. My only concern is that every now and then her ex boyfriend will stop by to visit (he’s in the army and is often away). I had no problem meeting him at first, but the more I heard about him from my girlfriends friends I found out that he treated her badly when they were together and it makes me wonder why she even still sees him. I know she is trustworthy and there is nothing going on between them. Anyways the more I have been thinking about it lately the more pissed I get about seeing some ex boyfriend every time he comes to visit and anytime she even mentions him I get mad and sometimes it will lead to an argument. It’s come to the point where I don’t even want to be around when he visits. Am I just over reacting about this ex boyfriend situation? Any advice on how either of us are acting would help. Thanks.

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